Parent Engagement

Parent Engagement

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Hartland is a place of learning, discovery, laughter and friendship. We understand that education is about guiding students to identify and exploit their true, remarkable abilities and our staff are confident that each child in our care will strive to unlock and realise that potential with our support.  We also recognise that education is a shared responsibility between family and school and we truly value the partnership that we forge with you as parents. Above all, there is a tangible atmosphere of family and community spirit.

Our partnership with parents is based on the premise of an open-door policy. We want parents to be actively engaged in our development and our self-evaluation and promise to listen to suggestions or concerns.

Through-out the academic year, we invite parents to participate in various workshops held by the teachers and the Senior leadership team. Whether it be learning about phonics and how to help your child with reading and writing at home for our FS students, to how to help with their Mathematics in Year 6, the teachers engage with you, as parents, to forge that valued partnership.

For our teachers, we will support professional development so that they can improve their knowledge and skills, learn from colleagues and benefit from partnerships outside school.

We know that schools are an important part of family life. Whether you are new to Dubai or a long-term resident, Hartland will welcome you at coffee mornings and other social events as we build our school community. The School is supported by our Hartland Friends, the parent support group, who welcome new members at any time, and host events throughout the year, such as new parent coffee mornings, the pre-loved school uniform pop-up shop and annual events such as the Fun Day and End of Year party.

Community service is one of Hartland’s core values and we strive to ensure that all children are aware of the importance of helping others and making a difference.

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