Admissions Process

Admissions Process

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Hartland International School welcomes applications for children of all nationalities and ability groups.

Some year groups may not have places available, if this is the case, the application will be placed on a waiting list. You will be contacted as soon as an opening becomes available.

Please follow the steps below to help you through the admission process.

To complete the Application Form, please use a desktop, laptop or tablet and upload the documents mentioned below. Please refrain from using a mobile phone to complete the form.

  • A copy of your child’s birth certificate, passport, visa and Emirates ID (both sides)
  • A copy of both parents’ passport, visa and Emirates ID (both sides)
  • Scanned passport size photograph (2 original photos will be requested at a later stage)
  • Previous years’ school/nursery reports (no application from Year 2 and above will be reviewed without this)
  • Immunisation record

If you are new to Dubai and your visa has not yet been processed, we are happy to accept your application whilst you gain these documents. We will need copies once your visa and Emirates ID have been issued.

At a later stage you will be required to submit:

  • Medical and Consent Form
  • Transfer Certificate from the Previous School:

Local Transfers/Transfers from schools within Dubai: Please request a KHDA attested leaving certificate from the Arabic Secretary of your current school. This is to be submitted before the student starts school with no exemptions. Students will not be allowed in class without this document.

Overseas Transfers & Transfers from other Emirates in UAE: A transfer certificate for students joining Year 3 and up requires some attestations in line with KHDA requirements. For Transfer Certificate Information and Transfer Certificate sample please CLICK HERE.

Book an assessment. Your child will be invited to an assessment where they will take part in age-appropriate activities designed so that we can understand your child more fully. There is an application fee of 525AED to be paid before or on the day of the assessment (if completed on site).

On site: If you are currently in Dubai, these sessions are usually held with a small group of children.
Overseas assessments: If you are outside the UAE, we can arrange these assessments with the assistance of your current school. Please provide us with the contact details and the email address of the Principal of your child’s current school, and we will liaise with them regarding the assessment.

Outcome of the assessment. We will confirm whether we are able to offer your child a place at the earliest opportunity following a full review of the assessment, by our Education Team.

Following an Offer Letter. To secure your child’s place kindly sign and return the Acceptance Agreement within 7 days and make the Admission Fee payment of 10% of the annual tuition fee. Please also ensure that all requested documentation has been provided.

Students that require English Support:

Any student identified as an English language learner, will have an additional English entrance assessment to benchmark the English level and understand the support required. Currently, we have limited places for English language learners. Please contact us to check availability in your child’s year group.

Students with Special Education Needs:

Our policy is in line with Federal Law 29 (2006) and the aims of the Dubai Inclusive Education Policy Framework 2017, regarding the education and outcomes of students experiencing special educational needs and disabilities (SEND).

A new applicant identified with special educational needs will be referred to the Head of Inclusion. The Inclusion Team will request medical reports, Ed Psych reports, school reports and ILP (individual learning plan) if available. After review, we will arrange a meeting with parents. Should we have the required resources to meet the student’s needs, we will invite them for an observation and assessment. Once this is completed the Inclusion Team will make the appropriate recommendations to parents and give the final decision.

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